If you are a passionate cook and are not afraid to experiment with new ingredients - you will love this cook book! Semen is an exciting ingredient that can give every dish you make an interesting twist. Once you overcome any initial hesitation, you will be surprised to learn how wonderful semen is in the kitchen. Despite all of these positive qualities, semen remains neglected as a food. Semen is inexpensive to produce and is commonly available in many, if not most, homes and restaurants. Like fine wine and cheeses, the taste of semen is complex and dynamic. Semen is not only nutritious, but it also has a wonderful texture and amazing cooking properties. Evidently, once you start writing about semen-cooking, everything starts sounding dirty.) The description on the back of the book explains, (I almost wrote “came out in 2008,” but then that seemed too on-the-nose. The first, Natural Harvest: A Collection of Semen-Based Recipes was released in 2008.
Bay-area cookbook author Paul 'Fotie' Photenhauer has published two books about recipes that use semen. I’ll give you a moment to process this.OK. Semen, as in sperm-carrying human ejaculate, is, apparently, the next great ingredient for the adventurous chef.